Thursday, January 24, 2008

And Leon's getting LARGER!

Jordan is rolling around like a madman. He has provided Mommy with several sleepless nights since he began sleeping on his tummy. His top two front teeth are coming in fast. Come and visit!

Don't worry, it's fake crab.

Staying warm in my comfy poncho.

So big and handsome.


So many toys, so little time.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

He is Lookin' Good

Jordan is getting so big. His top two teeth are starting to come in and he is able to feed himself his bottle. Come and visit anytime!

Jordan in Daddy's hat

In his warm sweatshirt with his new bear

Sweatervest man

Sweatervest man with no pants.

In the new Highchair. Thanks Grandma!

Overalls really fit him

Friday, December 21, 2007

Long Time No Post!

It's been a while since we posted pictures. Here are a bunch from our Thanksgiving vacation at the Timeshare in Orlando, Hanukkah pics and more!

Getting ready to go to the pool.

Hangin' out poolside.

Hanukkah Candles with Daddy.

His first Hanukkah present.

Celebrating Hanukkah!

Sitting up and looking cute!

Very warm and toasty.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

First Baby Food

Here is Jordan's first baby food eating: Sweet Potatoes

Here is the video ~


and after...

more after...

Captain Pants Head!

Clean and fresh.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Autumn Festival at school

Tonight we went to the Sunshine House Autumn festival. There were games, candy and a hay ride. None of which Jordan could do, yet. But boy did he look cute!

Daddy and Jordan "Turtle" Paz

Mommy and Jordan "Turtle" Paz

Cutest Turtle Ever

Macho Man

I wear mommy's sunglasses at night

Learning words with Spot

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The First Breakfast of Food

If rice cereal qualifies as food. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hi everyone! Had a great week. I am still trying to roll over (not quite there).

Trying to roll over

Learning my ABC's with my friend Leap

All smiles in Mommy's old blanket

Standing on Daddy's lap

The Coolest Dude